Friday, November 16, 2007

For Carl

Visit for all of your bangley needs.

link provided stage door right... under "some things"...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hmmm, that's weird...

As we pulled up to an intersection opposite one of the local parks in our suburb, we noticed a bus parked in the playground.
That's weird we said in unison.
Turns out that the driver lost control of the bus doing a routine u-turn, took out half a tree, a couple of parking stumps, a fence, and a swing set.
Its school holidays to boot, so the driver is damned lucky he didnt hit anyone.
No sight of that in the local rag tho. An english tourist who got kicked out of the ChCh casino for showing too much of her tits made the front page. (photo in outfit included)
Coz thats what we all want to read about up hear in the north island.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Chapter one: Tankles

So I managed to only read one chapter of The Joy Luck Club on the flight over, spending more time fiddling around with my personal screen and watching classics like Lady and the Tramp and a surprising comedy wild Hogs... surprising as it was actually funny and really enjoyable. That was the first half of the flight. The second leg was bad. A crappy old plane, sat in the last seat in the tail (not good for nervous fliers, IE; me) NO personal screen and in the isle... actually that was the saving grace as I downed around 3 litres of water and needed to frequent the ladies. So. Not much sleep as having the last seat in the plane means that the rest of the passengers who need to use the facilities or just a stretch, would use my chair as a lean. Holding on while they ran on the spot or hummed and swayed to themselves (and me). One man was the straw and got landed with my best scowl and swift elbow recline onto his fingers.
Flights over, Joe met us at Heathrow and generously drove us back to his flat, making himself late for work the naughty boy (but we love you for it mate). Stuff dumped, showers had, we took off to explore Ealing. Lovely actually. The sun was shining so we bought ourselves coffee and mint tea (for me) and sat in the park... where as I rolled up my jeans to inflict people with the pain of seeing my lily whites I noticed that they were more like tree trunks than stems. Jesus Mary and Joseph I exclaimed, I am surprised that I can walk considering I cant actually make out a trace of ankle! Mikes were also slightly swollen, but I took the cake, well actually it looked as tho I had taken 20 cakes and devoured them daily. It took the weekend for my ankles to return and sleeping on camping mattresses on the floor really helped straighten the kinks out. By the Monday we were roaring to go, feeling very refreshed and tall. We both considered getting a firmer mattress when we got home... thanks again Joe and Sharn, your hospitality is second to none, you are both ACE!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Alive and well!

Just to let you all know that I am alive, but really busy so will post about my adventures sooooonnn.......

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I bought the new Harry Potter book to read on the journey I'm going on in 10 days, but I couldn't resist reading the first chapter... 15hrs later and I have to find another book.
I just couldn't put the damn thing down... actually I did, obviously I did fall asleep for a while and had to work for a few hours, but I dreamt of witches and wizards and wandered around in a daze at work.
I just had to find out what happened. When I was young I used to read books backward because I was so desperate to find out the ending (but always frustrated myself at doing so because in most books the plot always unfolded a few chapters before the end, hence the reading backwards... I know!), but I did learn that to read it from start to finish was more exciting and suspenseful in the end. Yay for me!

Anyhoo,GOOD book.

I might read The Joy Luck Club...

Friday, July 20, 2007

Some new stuff

So I have been fiddling around on this week. It is quite cool. found a couple of friends I haven't seen for a few years which was a great surprise.

Its as I said, fiddly, but I'm getting the hang of all the different bits and bobs I can add to my page and it seems secure... Time will tell.

In other news, I went to the new Harry Potter movie, its ace. I will have to see it again tho, coz I went to the 1pm sitting and although anyone with a bit of common sense going in would not take their 3 and 4 year olds, surpriiiise surpriiiise surpriiise, people did. So, through the squealing and crying and "its too loud mummy" every 10minutes, I thought that the movie kept the story line going though they had to sift a little amount out of the very full on book to do so... but will have a better view on it all once it come out on DVD and gets added to my collection. yay.

Friday, July 06, 2007

What our dogs do when the visitors go home...

Wiley Weather

Good Greif!
Thought this rather exciting... as well as a little scared of the behaviour of some people who think its a good idea to look out their window at a twister heading towards them.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Mum & Chris!

Well! Another party at ours and quite frankly it was a cracker!

Justin and I organised and delegated and Mike cooked his little heart out whipping up Paella, Chicken bits, pork ribs, roast veg, garlic bread (which we forgot about), and some mouth watering meatballs in tomato sauce.... oh, and a fruit salad.

J made sure that people brought salads and bread were bought and a lovely Tiramasu turned up as well as a pav (Yay Fe!) a Lemon Tart (Ohmigodt! lemony goodness) an apple strudel and on top of that were two Birthday cakes from The City Cake Company (thanks guys, you rock!).

J also made the traditional Maloney Curry (a curry originally made by mum and then sneakily doctored by dad. He reckoned a curry wasn't a curry unless it made your nose run and eyes water) which out did any previous Maloney Curry as it made Uncle Stevens nose bleed... We laughed and laughed.

We had around 45 people turn up (just family) and although our place isn't huge, it held the crowd comfortably. We all had good ol' gossip and drank and ate and laughed and danced and sang our hearts out. So just the usual ; )

The main thing was that Mum and Chris loved the night which was all I wanted.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Why June?

So my Birthday fell on the Queens Birthday weekend. Which inevitably means that I get four days of Birthday excess. Which I did. Now I feel sick. Having lived a pretty healthy lifestyle since last July, having just four days of eating and drinking, left my stomach heaving and my head thumping and its now Thursday.
This weekend is my niece's birthday and my cousins birthday, while the weekend after that is mum and her partners combined 60th.
There is also Mikes mums Birthday and two other friends before June ends. All up around 8 or nine. (may have forgotten someone). Far to hectic this month... is there a reason for this birthday madness..

June - 9 months =
A particularly cold month in the middle of winter.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Good to be a "Central" Westie?

For all my hearts desire to live closer to the city instead halfway to hicksville, I must say that on a foggy morning, where i live truely takes my breath away.
Opening the curtains this morning I drew breath at the soft blanket of fog that enveloped the street. It just makes the world around a little more peaceful, like walking through the earths light morning doze.
My niece calls fog sleeping clouds. Bless.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Mmmmmmmmmm... cake.

This is my Birthday cake.
(Its chocy on the inside too)

Ha Ha! Suffer in your jocks!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

ho hum

So sorry to those buggers who actually read my bletherings that I have been completely slack in updating my blog, but unfortunately I live (at the moment) a very dreary existence.
We have the occasional friend over for tea and less occasionally go out for a bite.. but as for adventure? nah... my life revolves around saving nonexistent money for a trip later in the year and keeping my garden leaf free (quite futile when you have a bloody great Oak tree in the front yard).
I think I need a jog. That I am starting to do regularly. Yes yes, Brigit doesnt run, but my crappy knees are actually holding up (well except for a little scary knee twinge last week, but its come right), yay!
I used to hate going out with dad who was a member of the Auckland Harriers and often ran for hours on end for a laugh... and I was on my bike! Poor old dad ended up having to push me 3/4 of the way coz my short little legs couldnt manage the distance (and it was fun being pushed).
Now tho, I am starting to realize the enjoyment he got out of the self motivation in it all. Its just you and the pavement, with only your will pushing you on. Very challenging for a piker like me. Another thing on the list Im trying to tick off... motivating my self confidence.
Unfortunately its getting quite dark at the time I get home... and cold, so this could make progress a little slower than planned, but I will keep you posted.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


So I am now the owner of a 1998 VW Golf GLI.
Havent named her yet.
Bought at auction which was FAR to EASY.
We had a short list of which the Golf was first up in Auction, there was one other bidder which we had picked out as we waited for the proceedings to start. A-Typical Golf chick probably from Remuera and probably buying it for her daughter who probably looked like an A-typical Golf chick also.
But I kicked her arse with my Cool Hand Luke bidding.
I was cool, calm and collected with a stone cold poker face.
Then the bidding started.
My face stayed the same but I felt the colour run out of it while my heart made a break for it up into my throat. I had to keep my arms crossed with only my fingers waving the bidding number from under my armpit for fear the shaking would get out of control and I might bid involuntarily... Im so ace.

Still, I had the last bid and as the dealer handed me the pen to sign the papers I found it incredibley difficult to take the pen from his hands and sign my name as the shaking was still persistant. The man smiled a knowing smile that gave me the feeling I wasnt alone in the world when it came to uncontrollable Endorphins...
A few deep breaths later and it was done and dusted.
I picked her up the next day and weve been inseperable ever since.
One more thing ticked off the Things to do Before Im Too Old to do it list.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

One more step away from my reckless? youth

So Yesterday I went for my full driving licence test... and passed. Yay!
Yes yes I know the percentage of normal people get there licences at the normal age of 15 or 16, but I had other things on my mind at that time... and I was quite happy riding my bike around Tauranga and catching public transport in Auckland...
I would like to thank everyone who obliged in being taxis for me, I did appreciate the lifts and will happily recprocate anytime now that I can drive without a curfew...
but I still wont touch the drink and then drive so get your requests in before bubbles o'clock.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Back yard blues

Pic; Before

Hey hey,

A few weeks ago we had a big clear out of the back yard. Weeds were pulled, grass was mowed and holes were dug ready for our summer deck plan to go full steam ahead... until that is Mike threw his back out trying to move a slab of old concrete path. Pic; After

He was in pain, physically of course, but the emotional pain of realising that hes not as young as he used to be really knocked him for six.

That same weekend our friend Lance threw his back out gardening... a couple of weeks before that our friend Richie broke his collar bone playing cricket, also our friend Rachel broke her coller bone in the same week.


All doing what they have always done in the past, all teatering on the cusp of their mid thirties.

Weve all told our parents to hurry it up and bitched behind old peoples backs about how slow they are, but they are just scared of making a false move and braking a hip, all because of the shared revelation Mike had.

what I say is dont let that flight of stairs or that walk to the letterbox send you packing to the lazyboy. Feel the fear and do it anyway. So what if it means spending four hours in emergency room waiting for an x-ray cause you fell in a pot hole at twilight...sober. At least it makes for new conversation instead of the repetition. No fix yet on those pensioner moments.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Quite the gaggle

Im gonna be an Aunty again! Number three due in August yay!
Check JJ's website for details...

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Taipa Bay

Well we managed to get away from work on Friday around 3pm thanks to Stu taking over for the arvo and Saturday hours. Thanks Stu your a legend.
After battling our way through the school traffic (1km == 1/2 hour) and the 4pm finishers (everyones in a rush to get home that they all become homicidal maniacs), we made good time and arrived at the resort around 830pm.
Taipa Bay is 5mins away from Cable Bay as well as Maunganui.
The resort was Beachfront and luckily we had scored a suite beachside (other being poolside), so wake up up pull the curtains open the bifolding doors and step out onto the beach. Amazing. Breath taking.
Went for a couple of swims, the water was a bit chilly getting in but great once your under.
The wedding was beautiful. Dnaa was tearful which almost got me started, and definatley got the groom going (so sweet). A lot of French champagne later and me and cuzzie bro were shaking our booties to pretty much anything on the dance floor. Great night. Still wish I could speak french tho. a wonderful bunch of people to celebrate the day with.
It was really awsome to have a weekend away too. Just relaxing and strolling around with only crickets to disturb.
The service was good also. Very friendly.

Really want to go back up for a week or so and do the whole touristy thing... Not during Dolphin mating season tho...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Another Scorcher

Toddled off to the Devonport Food and Wine Festival Saturday just been. Maaaaaaaaate.
The best day Summer has ever managed to pull out of its arse this year!
No photos unfortunately for you...and fortunately for me there are no photos.
Great day. Great people! Managed to catch up with Dnaa before her big day this Saturday (cant wait) and met her bridesman and future dad in law and sister in law. both had little english and me even less french, but much hand waving and eyebrow lifting got over the hurdles.
Alcomahol definately helps too.
The Bands!
Spacifix played, very lively but didnt wow too much, although im glad I ve seen them now as there has been much hype... but One Millon Dollars! oh my dog! they are brilliant! their singer kicked arse (jazz roots) and the brass section were tight as. Along the same vein as The Hot Grits, but I gotta say, I prefer One Millon Dollars.
The Wine!
Well, I stuck to bubbles (safe) and pretty much one stand Nautilus (spelling bad) which was yummy and light and easy to drink if left in the sun too long.
The Food!
One thing to say... You dont need bread with a whitebait fritter. Just lemon. And more Whitebait.
Anyhoo, lots of talking and dancing and hugging was done. A trip to Henderson Valley followed (over one hour), then it was back to ours for pizza and more drink. Very haizey towards the end...

Monday, February 05, 2007


Photo; hungover at work after big weekend.

So I had written quite a waffley peice on Auckland anniversary and getting plastered dressing up and going to the local only to have cricket on the big screen old people staring and no 70s and 80s classics to boogie to... when the computer froze and I lost the lot! Bugger i said... well, one of the words I said.
Cant recall most of it cause I was still hungover when I wrote it... so in jaded fog...
I went way over my 3 drink limit, wore a strapless leopard print top I swore (when sober) would never make it passed the front door (and a cowgirl hat I had won earlier at pub quiz) and arsed around infront of the local oldies and what is worse the local video shop guys who now look at me and giggle. (pub so bad my cuzzie Jo and I hired a the skeleton key and went home to watch thinking it was scary...sooo not worth the money that movie sucked. The M&Ms were ace tho).
Luckily day after was holiday so spent most of it cuddling the couch, but did manage to go to Maturangi beach for a little while, had great time people watching. the wait for Mikes burger was around half an hour, so spent the time watching all the stoned scruffbags stuffing fistfulls of hot chips down their gobs (ahh, memories). didnt actually make it to the sand as there is a total dog ban on the beach between the hours of 9am and 7pm. Poor doggies, but we did take them to the park afterwards for a go at the agility course. Turns out Poppy is a natural, she loved jumping through the tyres and weaving and more jumping. she even started telling me all about it while doing it. Quite hularious. Frank on the other hand was more interested in running in giant circles then coming in to get in her way, then taking off again after being told off by pops. Frank is like a goldfish really, runs in circles, and only really remembers when its dinner time.
Full moon at the moment so not getting enough sleep (not warewolf thankyou) so blethering... and I cant be bothered reading what I have just written so I hope it all makes sense.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

This day was a scorcher!

Photo taken at Christmas time 06' from St Heliers Beach.
View of the Awsome Rangitoto.

Mugginess causes bad spelling

Oi-vie! the Mug is smothering us in Auckland! I sit here in the oriffice melting all over the desk... well almost.

Anywhoooo, a comet is making its way across the sky at the moment and last night I forced Mike to go up the road and see what we could see from the local park on the hill overlooking the magnificant Manukau Harbour.
Blocking out the bitching and moaning something about pub quiz and other drivel that often comes out of the mans mouth when in that mood, I stood stunned at the beauty of our fair Harbour and the multicoloured sunset that lay apon it. Quite humbling.
We werent the only ones there, however, I was the only one doing the Mostquito shuffle as I was being eaten alive (I love that saying). The lumps were all worth it to see the comet with its extraordinary lenghty flickering tail.
I feel quite priviledged to have been able to see two comets in my lifetime at such a young age (compared with my granddad who saw his second at the ripe old age of 80something)and am still as awestruck by the univerve as I was when I was young.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Finally I got off my fat lazy arse...

Yay for me! Ive shed 24.05kg in 5 months! Woohooo!

Now to keep it off...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year!

Aaah, to get away from the rat race for a few days and purge the traffic jams from my lungs is always something I look forward to.
Unfortunately this year the rat race came along for the ride.
Not that I didnt have a lovely relaxing time, but man has Waihi Beach become popular!
No more relaxing stroll along the beach before 9am! its all "sorry... exucse me... parden me... make way... dogs on leash here... look out... get out of my way"!
Even New Years morning at what I thought was a thoroughly disrespectful time to be up (0740hrs) and jogging along the beach was busy with other people, jogging, with dogs and prams and small children running with sticks and other objects. I tell ya, I gave up saying "morning"to all the passers by as I started to go hoarse!

Anyhoo, jogging on New Years morning before dogs fart your saying?
Yes, my new years was spent watching the rest of the gang from the lounge feeling very sorry for myself as I was VERY hungover from New Years Eve Eve.
Pitiful? yes.
Girls Blouse? yes.
Harden up? Fuck off.
I overdid the Bubbles and since it was my first binge since June, it didnt sit well with my new healthy insides and thus traffic fumes were not the only thing I purged that night... New Years eve (all day and all of the night) was a write off.
I did manage to stay up till midnight, but bed beckoned me at 0010hrs and it was goodnight nurse. Best sleep of the holidays tho. mmmm banana beds, like being hugged by a big cuddley bed monster.

We did decide to go home on New Years day... had a great urge to get stuck into the garden. so I attemped my first long distance open road driving challange..and came out on top! yay! New years resolution? get off my arse and go for full licence. I think Im ready ; )

Oh, The Black Seeds were great! the crowd was huge and followed every move the band made, really awsome... and I would have photos, but the camera gave up the ghost 5mins into it. Doh!
The only gripe I have about the whole night was that some prick beside us was rotting from the inside out and kept leaking his deathly odour... we had to move, or pass out... I swear that guy should see a doctor.

The weather today is awsome and so I shall leave now to make my way through the jungle (back yard) to find the cabbage trees I planted last year and save them from being strangled by the gaint kaikuwia grasses that have already enveloped our deck chairs...