Monday, February 05, 2007


Photo; hungover at work after big weekend.

So I had written quite a waffley peice on Auckland anniversary and getting plastered dressing up and going to the local only to have cricket on the big screen old people staring and no 70s and 80s classics to boogie to... when the computer froze and I lost the lot! Bugger i said... well, one of the words I said.
Cant recall most of it cause I was still hungover when I wrote it... so in jaded fog...
I went way over my 3 drink limit, wore a strapless leopard print top I swore (when sober) would never make it passed the front door (and a cowgirl hat I had won earlier at pub quiz) and arsed around infront of the local oldies and what is worse the local video shop guys who now look at me and giggle. (pub so bad my cuzzie Jo and I hired a the skeleton key and went home to watch thinking it was scary...sooo not worth the money that movie sucked. The M&Ms were ace tho).
Luckily day after was holiday so spent most of it cuddling the couch, but did manage to go to Maturangi beach for a little while, had great time people watching. the wait for Mikes burger was around half an hour, so spent the time watching all the stoned scruffbags stuffing fistfulls of hot chips down their gobs (ahh, memories). didnt actually make it to the sand as there is a total dog ban on the beach between the hours of 9am and 7pm. Poor doggies, but we did take them to the park afterwards for a go at the agility course. Turns out Poppy is a natural, she loved jumping through the tyres and weaving and more jumping. she even started telling me all about it while doing it. Quite hularious. Frank on the other hand was more interested in running in giant circles then coming in to get in her way, then taking off again after being told off by pops. Frank is like a goldfish really, runs in circles, and only really remembers when its dinner time.
Full moon at the moment so not getting enough sleep (not warewolf thankyou) so blethering... and I cant be bothered reading what I have just written so I hope it all makes sense.

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