Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Mugginess causes bad spelling

Oi-vie! the Mug is smothering us in Auckland! I sit here in the oriffice melting all over the desk... well almost.

Anywhoooo, a comet is making its way across the sky at the moment and last night I forced Mike to go up the road and see what we could see from the local park on the hill overlooking the magnificant Manukau Harbour.
Blocking out the bitching and moaning something about pub quiz and other drivel that often comes out of the mans mouth when in that mood, I stood stunned at the beauty of our fair Harbour and the multicoloured sunset that lay apon it. Quite humbling.
We werent the only ones there, however, I was the only one doing the Mostquito shuffle as I was being eaten alive (I love that saying). The lumps were all worth it to see the comet with its extraordinary lenghty flickering tail.
I feel quite priviledged to have been able to see two comets in my lifetime at such a young age (compared with my granddad who saw his second at the ripe old age of 80something)and am still as awestruck by the univerve as I was when I was young.

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