Sunday, July 31, 2011

This is ridiculous

How long since I've posted... too long obviously.
I've bought a pub.
The Claddagh Irish Pub. Its lovely.
Hard work tho.
Long hours.
No sun for me.
Starting to feel/look like a vampire.
I never realised how many weird people hang out in pubs, or how many normal people go to the pub by themselves to hang out.
I have a picture of my folks on the top shelf with the whisky.
Dad would like that i think.
Im being random.
Time to go.

Monday, August 24, 2009

heck! has it been that long?

Well, not that i have a lot of time right now, but, to catch up on the gos...
We decided to get rid of one of our three shops as it was not going so well, bad timing opening just before the down turn of the economy. Luckily we were able to sell the lease and move the remaining stock into our other gift shop which is just down the road. This has been a blessing as we now get two days off a week and it is absolute bliss! the feeling of contentment and complete relaxation on that second day is a life saver. Not to mention all the extra work we are getting done around the place... including regular house work. I actually want to clean the house now and don't feel as if its a chore. lovely.
Our pups are both lame in one each of their back legs, so lots of money spent later we have grumpy dogs and expensive dog food. They are grumpy because we cant run them regularly. They need rest, much to their disgust. oh well, at least they have yummy food now... much to our disgust.
The days are warmer, the Bulbs are in bloom and the sneezing has started. Awesome. I love Spring.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Life is Infinitely Stranger Than the Mind Can Invent.

I didn't get the eye surgery... nor contacts, but instead stuck with the same glasses and old prescription for now as life took a sharp turn to the unexpected and a few things had to be put on the back burner.

In August last year, mum was rushed to hospital with severe back pain, which, in the weeks following, turned out to be end stage lung cancer. She died in October after a determined but unsuccessful battle.

It sucks.

What else can i say.

I'm gutted.

A lady came into my shop today with her friend helping her. The lady had cancer and was struggling with the day out, so I took my chair out from around the counter and offered it to her. She sat for about five minutes before her friend finished browsing and led her away. I was hard pressed not to close the shop and have a good bawl.

That was hard.

The bad memories are fading, but its little things like that lady coming in that bring it all back to a certain extent and you have to compose yourself and hurriedly think of some good times to make you smile. I think of JJ's kiddies. They are all so gorgeous and mum just loved them with everything she had.

So I think of mum dancing with Beth and pulling those silly faces while she wiggled around, or William having a big snuggle with her and Joey just delighting in that weird noise she made when she tickled him. It all makes me smile and able to move forward.

But today, I think that now, while I'm alone, (doesn't happen a lot) I will indulge in the grumps and have a little cry, because that works too.

I am okay tho. Its all just part of life.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

the eyes have it.

So after fifteen years (Jaesus Mary and Joseph!) of wearing eye glasses I decided to look into other options. So i sent away for an educational DVD on laser eye surgery and also popped along to the optometrist for some free trial contacts.
I have had past experience in contacts. About four years ago i trialed some, but to my dismay they sucked arse.
I have an astigmatism on top of shortsightedness, so my contacts had to be weighted to settle correctly, but, they had to settle after every time I blinked and this took half a second or so which is really too long to have fuzzy vision and of causes you to blink again and so on and so on... needless to say i ditched the idea and went back to glasses.
Technology hath changed rapidly tho (as we all know and fear as we get older) and so I am taking up the challenge once again with the contacts.
Its been five days so far.
it feels like there is an eyelash in my left eye and my peripheral vision is blurry in my right. but I have two more types of contacts to try before I give up and bite the horrendous cost bullet of laser surgery (noting every time I write 'laser' I am saying it out loud in Dr Evil speak).
Ive a couple of friends with bung eyes worse than I and who have different experiences with the laser surgery, both saying its worth it... we shall see (pun intended).

Friday, August 08, 2008

Lapsed blogger...

Thanks to a beautiful lady I was reminded that my Blog was not entirely up to date.
I do think of things to write about and have even made lists of titles... long since been lost in the void with all of those socks...

So, to amend...Since March I have...
Worked a lot. We have opened another store (this means three) in Parnell, called Mila, which is a mix of letters from Mainly Mirrors and Mint (the other two), and which sounded euphonious and didnt mean anything nasty like slutty pants or arse face. A Lady came into the shop last week and said that Mila actually translates to Darling in Croatian... nice if true as there is a local Parnell rag called The Darling.
Also, I have turned 33. Not as big a deal as 30, but makes me feel like margarine(middle age spread ha ha). had dinner with the whanau which was perfect, but will be having a "tirtytree and a tird" party later on in the year.
What else... oh yeah, got to go to Waiheke a couple weeks ago. during a "weather bomb" which is the medias beat up name for a storm (to get ratings). The weather was shitty, but we got the primo place to have a bach on Oneroha beach. It was one of the oldest buildings on the waterfront, being a small two bedroom cottage. If anyone wants to stay there, go to; its on a menu on the right hand side 'oneroa beachfront cottage'. so worth it.
In other news, mum is in hospital at the moment, waiting on some test results on a biopsy she had on a lump the doctors found on her back. We really dont know whats going on until we get the results, we (JJ and I) are keeping our feelings in check until we hear... should be any day now. If you would like to keep updated on mums status and send her a message of support go to

I have done more things... but my mind is else where at the moment so forgive me.
I do promise to blog more. Ive missed rambling.

Go Kiwis in china!

love to all

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So this list I made of subject headings for this blog went by the wayside and so I will have to use my memory...

Failing that...

Its March. Its started to get dark earlier, but Daylight savings doesn't end until April 6 (i just found out) which I actually think is too late. I know! I should be stoked to have light in the evenings till April, but it doesn't fit with the weather patterns.

Now is a good time. Its getting cooler, its raining more often and the cicada's are full on in the evenings.

Anyway, on to other things..

I purchased a Xtrainer the other month (November) so I could keep my cardio up and maybe that would inspire my to do some free weights and yoga... so now I'm learning ballroom dancing.

This is a fun form of exercise and I'm keen to continue through from the basics to gold class. Sweet. I'm still determined to jump on the Xtrainer three times a week... I'm looking at it right now, all alone in the dark of the spare room... tomorrow.

Right, moving on...

Here's an O for Awesome photo I took while I was waiting at the lights. The freaky spotlight effect is all natural, just one of those moments and amazing wonders of nature that blow my mind and humble me completely.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year Already!

So another year has wizzed by in a blink of an eye and again I found myself being just as slack in writing this blog. I have made a list of chapters to write, yet looking at this list now I feel like I cant be bothered. Why? Because we have had the best weather this Christmas holidays that we have experienced in years and I feel the pull of the garden. So, being breif, (and promising to update on the first rainy day) I say, have been eating like ive just discovered taste buds and have been downing the champers like a recovering Alcoholic behind a cupboard door. Sweet.

Been to the beach, been walking around town as tourists, up a few volcanic cones and slept in! hoorah!

Enjoy the photo of my fav spot up the road. manukau harbour. New Years Eve.

Talk soon.