Wednesday, September 03, 2008

the eyes have it.

So after fifteen years (Jaesus Mary and Joseph!) of wearing eye glasses I decided to look into other options. So i sent away for an educational DVD on laser eye surgery and also popped along to the optometrist for some free trial contacts.
I have had past experience in contacts. About four years ago i trialed some, but to my dismay they sucked arse.
I have an astigmatism on top of shortsightedness, so my contacts had to be weighted to settle correctly, but, they had to settle after every time I blinked and this took half a second or so which is really too long to have fuzzy vision and of causes you to blink again and so on and so on... needless to say i ditched the idea and went back to glasses.
Technology hath changed rapidly tho (as we all know and fear as we get older) and so I am taking up the challenge once again with the contacts.
Its been five days so far.
it feels like there is an eyelash in my left eye and my peripheral vision is blurry in my right. but I have two more types of contacts to try before I give up and bite the horrendous cost bullet of laser surgery (noting every time I write 'laser' I am saying it out loud in Dr Evil speak).
Ive a couple of friends with bung eyes worse than I and who have different experiences with the laser surgery, both saying its worth it... we shall see (pun intended).

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