Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year Already!

So another year has wizzed by in a blink of an eye and again I found myself being just as slack in writing this blog. I have made a list of chapters to write, yet looking at this list now I feel like I cant be bothered. Why? Because we have had the best weather this Christmas holidays that we have experienced in years and I feel the pull of the garden. So, being breif, (and promising to update on the first rainy day) I say, have been eating like ive just discovered taste buds and have been downing the champers like a recovering Alcoholic behind a cupboard door. Sweet.

Been to the beach, been walking around town as tourists, up a few volcanic cones and slept in! hoorah!

Enjoy the photo of my fav spot up the road. manukau harbour. New Years Eve.

Talk soon.

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