Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The BOT! duh duh duh duhhhhhh...

Ive had the bot going on 4 weeks now. Thats the longest ever I have had flu.
Started out as a Broncial thing (on holiday), now I have sinus on top of that.
Folded after two weeks and did the antibiotics, but to no avail.
I fucking hate being sick.
On the bright side... glad Im not really old, coz I dont think I would have made it this far.
Yay for youth!
and vicks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You poor bugger. I have just gotten over it so know how you feel! Took about 5-6 weeks for it to clear up from the time it first kicked in.
Sending sympathy you young thing you... :-)