Monday, November 06, 2006

whizz bang pop...fizzle

Guy Fawkes or Guy Fox as some ignoramous call it.

What a let down. Fireworks are such a waste of money today.
Dont get me wrong, I love setting thing alight and making extra long fuses on bundled together works is heaps of jollys, but, 3 second fizzes just dont cut the mustard these days.
We cant even have bonfires with fake guys on a stake! What the hell else is Guy Fawkes all about!!
Which brings me to my next erk. More than half the population have NO idea why we let fireworks off every November (ohmoigot its November!). There is no education going on in Schools about this I am sure. The Mad Butchers daughter (adult daughter) on the radio was going on about specials for "Gouy Fox''... Guy Fawkes you thick shit.
Anyhoo, on a November tangent...
Movember is apon us. A time for men to stop shaving and raise money for the fight against Prostate Cancer. A jolly good idea. At the end of the month photos will be on the web ( of the champions and their mostaches. I will post Mikes efforts up (before and after) on the 1st of December. YAY!
Something else...
We are going to Napier! YAY a holiday!!! four days of a little work (tax benifits) and a lot of Vinyards! The diet will have to take a back seat... 19.35kg lost so far just quietly.

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