Sunday, September 24, 2006

Oh how right you are

Yes Dana, If they can do it so can I but way way better. Got that from mum. "girls can do anything" she bought me a hat with that on it.

Im turning into my mother (scary), but then again arnt we all?
some recognise this irratic behaviour and try to self correct (hello)... while others are oblivious and thus freinds and family get their heads bitten off when making light hearted stabs about the resemblence. Complete denial if foolish, as it is genetically written that we will eventually walk the same and talk the same.
I have recognised the not so pleasant behaviour raising its ugly head, but then if Ive picked up the bad stuff (which we all know we have), wouldnt I have also picked up on the really good stuff? Coz my mum has some pretty awsome good habits too, which I would love to know I have.
So, I guess if your worried about turning into your mum, just concentrate on the good stuff about her and it really isnt so bad...
unless you think your mums a total bitch, then your pretty much fucked. Sorry.

1 comment:

Garry G said...

I'll have you know that not all of us are turning into our auld dears lassie!

Nice blog and good to hear about ye.