Friday, July 20, 2007

Some new stuff

So I have been fiddling around on this week. It is quite cool. found a couple of friends I haven't seen for a few years which was a great surprise.

Its as I said, fiddly, but I'm getting the hang of all the different bits and bobs I can add to my page and it seems secure... Time will tell.

In other news, I went to the new Harry Potter movie, its ace. I will have to see it again tho, coz I went to the 1pm sitting and although anyone with a bit of common sense going in would not take their 3 and 4 year olds, surpriiiise surpriiiise surpriiise, people did. So, through the squealing and crying and "its too loud mummy" every 10minutes, I thought that the movie kept the story line going though they had to sift a little amount out of the very full on book to do so... but will have a better view on it all once it come out on DVD and gets added to my collection. yay.


Unknown said...

You know, I felt the same way, but so far, so good. Don't get there that often, but try my hardest when I am. On my way now for the first time in a month or so - maybe I will make you a friend?????


Brigit said...

Blair you sly young thing!
Good to hear from you... I'll give you a poke (ew err)