Tuesday, April 17, 2007


So I am now the owner of a 1998 VW Golf GLI.
Havent named her yet.
Bought at auction which was FAR to EASY.
We had a short list of which the Golf was first up in Auction, there was one other bidder which we had picked out as we waited for the proceedings to start. A-Typical Golf chick probably from Remuera and probably buying it for her daughter who probably looked like an A-typical Golf chick also.
But I kicked her arse with my Cool Hand Luke bidding.
I was cool, calm and collected with a stone cold poker face.
Then the bidding started.
My face stayed the same but I felt the colour run out of it while my heart made a break for it up into my throat. I had to keep my arms crossed with only my fingers waving the bidding number from under my armpit for fear the shaking would get out of control and I might bid involuntarily... Im so ace.

Still, I had the last bid and as the dealer handed me the pen to sign the papers I found it incredibley difficult to take the pen from his hands and sign my name as the shaking was still persistant. The man smiled a knowing smile that gave me the feeling I wasnt alone in the world when it came to uncontrollable Endorphins...
A few deep breaths later and it was done and dusted.
I picked her up the next day and weve been inseperable ever since.
One more thing ticked off the Things to do Before Im Too Old to do it list.