Wednesday, January 24, 2007

This day was a scorcher!

Photo taken at Christmas time 06' from St Heliers Beach.
View of the Awsome Rangitoto.

Mugginess causes bad spelling

Oi-vie! the Mug is smothering us in Auckland! I sit here in the oriffice melting all over the desk... well almost.

Anywhoooo, a comet is making its way across the sky at the moment and last night I forced Mike to go up the road and see what we could see from the local park on the hill overlooking the magnificant Manukau Harbour.
Blocking out the bitching and moaning something about pub quiz and other drivel that often comes out of the mans mouth when in that mood, I stood stunned at the beauty of our fair Harbour and the multicoloured sunset that lay apon it. Quite humbling.
We werent the only ones there, however, I was the only one doing the Mostquito shuffle as I was being eaten alive (I love that saying). The lumps were all worth it to see the comet with its extraordinary lenghty flickering tail.
I feel quite priviledged to have been able to see two comets in my lifetime at such a young age (compared with my granddad who saw his second at the ripe old age of 80something)and am still as awestruck by the univerve as I was when I was young.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Finally I got off my fat lazy arse...

Yay for me! Ive shed 24.05kg in 5 months! Woohooo!

Now to keep it off...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year!

Aaah, to get away from the rat race for a few days and purge the traffic jams from my lungs is always something I look forward to.
Unfortunately this year the rat race came along for the ride.
Not that I didnt have a lovely relaxing time, but man has Waihi Beach become popular!
No more relaxing stroll along the beach before 9am! its all "sorry... exucse me... parden me... make way... dogs on leash here... look out... get out of my way"!
Even New Years morning at what I thought was a thoroughly disrespectful time to be up (0740hrs) and jogging along the beach was busy with other people, jogging, with dogs and prams and small children running with sticks and other objects. I tell ya, I gave up saying "morning"to all the passers by as I started to go hoarse!

Anyhoo, jogging on New Years morning before dogs fart your saying?
Yes, my new years was spent watching the rest of the gang from the lounge feeling very sorry for myself as I was VERY hungover from New Years Eve Eve.
Pitiful? yes.
Girls Blouse? yes.
Harden up? Fuck off.
I overdid the Bubbles and since it was my first binge since June, it didnt sit well with my new healthy insides and thus traffic fumes were not the only thing I purged that night... New Years eve (all day and all of the night) was a write off.
I did manage to stay up till midnight, but bed beckoned me at 0010hrs and it was goodnight nurse. Best sleep of the holidays tho. mmmm banana beds, like being hugged by a big cuddley bed monster.

We did decide to go home on New Years day... had a great urge to get stuck into the garden. so I attemped my first long distance open road driving challange..and came out on top! yay! New years resolution? get off my arse and go for full licence. I think Im ready ; )

Oh, The Black Seeds were great! the crowd was huge and followed every move the band made, really awsome... and I would have photos, but the camera gave up the ghost 5mins into it. Doh!
The only gripe I have about the whole night was that some prick beside us was rotting from the inside out and kept leaking his deathly odour... we had to move, or pass out... I swear that guy should see a doctor.

The weather today is awsome and so I shall leave now to make my way through the jungle (back yard) to find the cabbage trees I planted last year and save them from being strangled by the gaint kaikuwia grasses that have already enveloped our deck chairs...