Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The BOT! duh duh duh duhhhhhh...

Ive had the bot going on 4 weeks now. Thats the longest ever I have had flu.
Started out as a Broncial thing (on holiday), now I have sinus on top of that.
Folded after two weeks and did the antibiotics, but to no avail.
I fucking hate being sick.
On the bright side... glad Im not really old, coz I dont think I would have made it this far.
Yay for youth!
and vicks!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Eating greens

Ive overhauled my diet in recent months and have been eating five plus a day, which rocks. I love my greens anyway, but never really thought I could have them with every meal... I was wrong, I love the way I eat now, but, Ive learned recently that it is quite hard to keep up the veg intake when eating out... or should I say eating out of town?
Mike and I recently travelled down country to The Hawkes Bay, Gastronomic centre of the North Island or maybe both Islands?
Anyhoo, three days later and I feel malnutritioned. Mike actually read in the Dominion Post that the lowest intake of fresh veg in the country are the friendly people of The Hawkes Bay. Why? The ship it out. Aparently Brisbane is the same. A plethora of seafood and they export it all out and leave the crap behind, if there is any.
All I could find in abundance was tomato and button mushrooms for breakfast, soggy lettuce for lunch (if that) and rubbery asparagus for dinner (if that again). So sad! Also 9 times out of ten the veg was covered in cheese sauce or melted cheese or butter, or both.
The saving grace was Te Awa vinyard. Ohmigot it was awsome! The food was perfect and the wine! So full so light ! I have never had a wine suit my food so perfectly before, It almost convinced me to become a wine wanker... almost.
I highly recommend this place to everyone . FYI the Lamb had more flavour than Ive tasted in years and the Eggplant and Red Pepper stack drizzled lightly in a local Olive Oil was just what I was looking for.
Shit I blether on.
If you are going to stay in Napier, go around the Vinyards for meals. Most do Lunch and Dinner so sleep late, flag breaky and get pissed early... I dont think the bars in town can serve a bad wine, but we only sampled a couple ( I had the bot). The coffee is also good, even when it looks bad according to Mike. Check out MIA store for hot Kiwi designer stuff, they also have a Gallery with The friendliest woman there. I bought my first Limited edition print because I liked her. And the print was cheap.
So, I liked getting away to Napier but the food in town was a real let down.

Monday, November 06, 2006

whizz bang pop...fizzle

Guy Fawkes or Guy Fox as some ignoramous call it.

What a let down. Fireworks are such a waste of money today.
Dont get me wrong, I love setting thing alight and making extra long fuses on bundled together works is heaps of jollys, but, 3 second fizzes just dont cut the mustard these days.
We cant even have bonfires with fake guys on a stake! What the hell else is Guy Fawkes all about!!
Which brings me to my next erk. More than half the population have NO idea why we let fireworks off every November (ohmoigot its November!). There is no education going on in Schools about this I am sure. The Mad Butchers daughter (adult daughter) on the radio was going on about specials for "Gouy Fox''... Guy Fawkes you thick shit.
Anyhoo, on a November tangent...
Movember is apon us. A time for men to stop shaving and raise money for the fight against Prostate Cancer. A jolly good idea. At the end of the month photos will be on the web ( of the champions and their mostaches. I will post Mikes efforts up (before and after) on the 1st of December. YAY!
Something else...
We are going to Napier! YAY a holiday!!! four days of a little work (tax benifits) and a lot of Vinyards! The diet will have to take a back seat... 19.35kg lost so far just quietly.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

ho ho ho

So its the first day of November, which means that the stores have had their Christmas decorations up for a month now.
Whats worse is that the majority still insist on using snowmen, snow covered plastic fur trees, Polarbears??, giant fake snowflakes, cotton wool as snow and Santa dressed up to the nines in fur!
So as you can tell it shits me a bit.
Why cant we use the Pohutakawa as our tree? and sand as our snow? Santa can keep the beard, but maybe dust off the stubbies or something?