Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I bought the new Harry Potter book to read on the journey I'm going on in 10 days, but I couldn't resist reading the first chapter... 15hrs later and I have to find another book.
I just couldn't put the damn thing down... actually I did, obviously I did fall asleep for a while and had to work for a few hours, but I dreamt of witches and wizards and wandered around in a daze at work.
I just had to find out what happened. When I was young I used to read books backward because I was so desperate to find out the ending (but always frustrated myself at doing so because in most books the plot always unfolded a few chapters before the end, hence the reading backwards... I know!), but I did learn that to read it from start to finish was more exciting and suspenseful in the end. Yay for me!

Anyhoo,GOOD book.

I might read The Joy Luck Club...

Friday, July 20, 2007

Some new stuff

So I have been fiddling around on facebook.com this week. It is quite cool. found a couple of friends I haven't seen for a few years which was a great surprise.

Its as I said, fiddly, but I'm getting the hang of all the different bits and bobs I can add to my page and it seems secure... Time will tell.

In other news, I went to the new Harry Potter movie, its ace. I will have to see it again tho, coz I went to the 1pm sitting and although anyone with a bit of common sense going in would not take their 3 and 4 year olds, surpriiiise surpriiiise surpriiise, people did. So, through the squealing and crying and "its too loud mummy" every 10minutes, I thought that the movie kept the story line going though they had to sift a little amount out of the very full on book to do so... but will have a better view on it all once it come out on DVD and gets added to my collection. yay.

Friday, July 06, 2007

What our dogs do when the visitors go home...

Wiley Weather

Good Greif!
Thought this rather exciting... as well as a little scared of the behaviour of some people who think its a good idea to look out their window at a twister heading towards them.