Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Mum & Chris!

Well! Another party at ours and quite frankly it was a cracker!

Justin and I organised and delegated and Mike cooked his little heart out whipping up Paella, Chicken bits, pork ribs, roast veg, garlic bread (which we forgot about), and some mouth watering meatballs in tomato sauce.... oh, and a fruit salad.

J made sure that people brought salads and bread were bought and a lovely Tiramasu turned up as well as a pav (Yay Fe!) a Lemon Tart (Ohmigodt! lemony goodness) an apple strudel and on top of that were two Birthday cakes from The City Cake Company (thanks guys, you rock!).

J also made the traditional Maloney Curry (a curry originally made by mum and then sneakily doctored by dad. He reckoned a curry wasn't a curry unless it made your nose run and eyes water) which out did any previous Maloney Curry as it made Uncle Stevens nose bleed... We laughed and laughed.

We had around 45 people turn up (just family) and although our place isn't huge, it held the crowd comfortably. We all had good ol' gossip and drank and ate and laughed and danced and sang our hearts out. So just the usual ; )

The main thing was that Mum and Chris loved the night which was all I wanted.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Why June?

So my Birthday fell on the Queens Birthday weekend. Which inevitably means that I get four days of Birthday excess. Which I did. Now I feel sick. Having lived a pretty healthy lifestyle since last July, having just four days of eating and drinking, left my stomach heaving and my head thumping and its now Thursday.
This weekend is my niece's birthday and my cousins birthday, while the weekend after that is mum and her partners combined 60th.
There is also Mikes mums Birthday and two other friends before June ends. All up around 8 or nine. (may have forgotten someone). Far to hectic this month... is there a reason for this birthday madness..

June - 9 months =
A particularly cold month in the middle of winter.